July 1st, 2024 – Camp K Kicks Off!
July 1st, 2024 – Coaching Hotline becomes live
August 19th, 2024 – Submissions Open
September 20th, 2024, 11:59pm PDT – Submissions Close
Week of November 4th, 2024 – Local Camp Awards Event in Participating Cities
Who can enter the 2024 Camp Kuleshov competition?
Camp Kuleshov is open to assistants and junior-level employees at AICP member post production and production companies, and music companies that are members of the Association of Music Producers (AMP). That includes editorial and audio assistants, junior graphic artists, admin assistants and entry-level employees as well as students/interns who are actively engaged with a member company. In short, Junior Creatives, assistants, vault/library, craft services, reception, active interns, schedulers, client services, and runners. Basically, anyone who is trying to find their voice as an artist, and be recognized.Participants may submit as many entries as they’d like, and for any of the 4 categories (each entry subject to its own registration/fee).
CAMP KULESHOV “At Large”.... If you are part of an AICP region that has low enrollment (5 or less submissions) you can still submit!!! Those who submit in a city of less than 5 entries will be entered into the closest qualifying city and judged among their entries. Please note that city participation for those having 5 or more submissions is pending AICP approval.
Counselors are standing by for all your questions and Camp Coaches will be available via our Camp Kuleshov Hotline ( for any counseling.
How do I name my submission file?
For the unslated final - LastNameCategory
For the slated final - LastNameCategorySlate
Can I submit an entry after the deadline?
Generally, no. You are welcome to reach out to to inquire. In order for late entries to be accepted the entrant must receive express, written permission of AICP.Can my company send more than one entry and enclose one check for all the entries?
Yes. Your company can write just one company check to cover them all. Please enclose a copy of each entrant's registration form with the check. Each trailer must be uploaded separately.Do I need slates or timecode?
Each trailer must be submitted with and without an OFFICIAL SLATEHow much does it cost to enter?
The entry fee is $65.
For companies, or individuals, submitting 3 or more entries, bundle deals are available:
1-2 Entries: $65 ea.
3-4 Entries: $55 ea.
5 or More Entries: $45 ea.Will films and footage be provided?
No. Part of the task is to find the footage of the film you’d like to utilizeWhat are the submission specs?
Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) 1920x1080 23.98fps 48kHz (letterbox, crop or pillar as necessary), Stereo Audio as Linear PCM (Little Endian). An average audio level of -12, with peaks between -6 and -4 dBFSWhat is the entry deadline?
The deadline to enter is Friday, September 20th, 2024, 11:59pm PDT.What should I send/Where should I send my entry?
Camp K has an Official Entry Site that will be accepting submissions starting in August.
Where can I find the official slate?
You can find the official 2024 Camp Kulehov slates here.
What do I slate?
Each submission for all categories must be WITH and WITHOUT an OFFICIAL SLATE.
Why do I need to submit two versions (slated and unslated) ?
The unslated version is for judging purposes since all judging is done anonymously.
The slated version is for the event where your work will play in front of an audience.
How do I insert my photo and info onto the slate?
When you import the slate file into your editing system it should have an alpha layer.
Fill in the alpha layer on the official slate provided with your portrait imitating Lev Kuleshov. Your photograph only!!! Best to prep your photograph in photoshop, select image and place on white.
Be creative, and remember this is your moment of the show. Make your name stand out using whatever font you like, and feel free to use a company logo.
This is how you help us showcase your work for the event!!!
Do I need to add a 2beep to my slate?
IMPORTANT note for SOUND submissions only!!!!
UNSLATED version must have the original scene following your work after 2 seconds of black. The SLATED version should be your work only for the show.
How do I name my files when submitting?
For the unslated final - LastNameCategory
For the slated final – LastNameCategorySlate
Can I add a voice over?
Yes.Can I add my own dialogue?
Yes, if it is newly recorded by you.·Can I add my own sound effects?
Yes.Can I add titles?
Yes.Can I alter the color?
Yes.Can I mix my audio in surround?
No, stereo or mono only.Can I use footage from sources other than the films?
No.Can I use music from other sources?
Yes, you can source music from anywhere and use it however you want. Also, if you're interested in some free access to a killer stock music library our partners at are offering up to 3 stock music tracks free of charge for Camp Kuleshov Campers. Email HQ for instructions… campk@aicp.comCan the dialogue in the film be altered?
Yes, the dialogue can be altered. However, you cannot use original dialogue from another film.Can the trailer be less than 90 seconds?
Yes. Your trailer can be :90 seconds or less, but not over :90 seconds. You should shoot for a standard industry length, :90, :60, :45, or :30. Precision of execution is essential, and time constraints do help in achieving that. Keep in mind that you are creating a tight, entertaining piece of advertising for a 2 hour (or plus) movie.How much alteration of the original footage is allowed?
That's up to you as the editor, knowing that the task is cutting a trailer--a piece of advertising--for a film, but you are changing its genre. Please note that YOU MUST PICK THE NEW GENRE FROM THE LIST PROVIDED.How much compositing is allowed?
This is a creative editing competition. Effects work has become a tool of the editor and can enhance your work. Keep in mind, however, that the core of the competition is CREATIVE EDITING.What is a Mash UP???
We're bringing back the Tri Mash this year. We have opened up the mash up guidelines to allow selecting up to 3 movies to mash together into one awesome trailer. That's a trailer using any genre on the list other than the movies you're using for footage. For example…
If film selection and genre was listed in assignment as….
“Jaws” - Natural Horror Film
“My Fair Lady” - Musical
“Cars” - Sports Comedy Film
New Tri Mash title and genre (from assignment list) could be….
“Lady In a Car with Sharks” - Alternative History
Genre is from the assignment list, but cannot be the same as any of the selection films (Jaws/My Fair Lady/Cars)
What are the TRI MASH rules?
Tri Mash only applies to the EDITING challenge. Any camper attempting to create a Tri-Mash may choose films from any of the 4 challenges lists to create their Tri Mash. You can choose 1 or 2 movies from the other categories lists, Graphics, Music or Sound. BUT you must select at least one film from the Editorial list. You can choose the genre from any movie throughout all four categories.
sound design
Can I use any existing sound from the continuous 90 second (or less) portion I choose from the films?
In the case of silent films, all sound (effects and music) must be eliminated. In the case of sound films, you can retain the original dialogue if you choose, but original sound effects and music must be replaced and re-designed by you. It is understood that this is a technological challenge to achieve. You can also replace the dialogue - either re-recording the original or writing new dialogue to dub into the scene. Do not mimic the original sound design. Your new sound design should feel as different from the original as possible, in essence “change its context and/or intent”. You are not mimicking, duplicating or aping what has been done already. You are creating something new. It doesn’t have to reference the original story.Why do I need to supply the orig scene with original audio?
Because the judges need some reference to see how you have taken a direction different from the original.
Am I changing the genre?
No, you are creating a title sequence based on your interpretation/impression of the film. The title sequence should function as a device to prepare and position the audience for the film that follows.Can I use anything from the actual film?
Yes, you can use material from the actual film (music, dialogue or scenes), but keep in mind you are creating an imagined title sequence for a film that never had one. This is YOUR creative interpretation of what that title sequence would be. As with any great title sequence in film, the pieces used are up to the sequence designer/director.How long can the Opening Title Sequence be?
90 seconds or less.
Music Score
Am I changing the genre?
No, you are scoring a scene based on your interpretation/impression of the film.
How long can the Scored Sequence be?
90 seconds or less.Can I use any instrument?
Yes, any instrument including electronics.
Can I cover a known track?
NO!! Music must be totally original - not a cover, performance or re-interpretation of an existing or known track.
Other Questions:
What will I win?
Glory! And winners will also receive a first, second or third place trophy.All first-place winners will be entered into the Lev judging where they will compete against the other first place winners in their category from around the country.
The winner of the Lev will receive a trophy, recognition and $1000 prize sponsored by Musicbed + Filmsupply.
Where can I access music for my entry?
Our partners over at Musicbed are offering the use of up to 3 free songs per entry. To access their vast library of music, please click here for instructions.Who can I show my entry to?
Judging is done anonymously so do not show your work to any pre-selected judges in your region before the show. You may show your work in progress to peers, mentors, and camp kuleshov appointed coaches.